Saturday 6 November 2010

I dont care anymore.

My life had revolved around one guy for 2 years, and I am done with those 2 years now, I can't live in the past and wish away the rest of my life, I need to get on with it and start thinking ahead, start looking for a new life, one that doesn't take me for granted, one that loves me and cherish's me. I need too show him that I don't need him to make me happy, I don't need to be dependent on him to make my life worth living. Of course I'm still in love with him, I just know I don't need him too be happy. This proves to myself and him that I have grown up alot. I might still be a child in the eyes of the law, but in my head and everyone elses eyes I am more mature than I have ever been before in my life. So I will begin the story and put it too an end, because everyone deserves the satisfaction of letting all of the anger out, this is my first blog explaining about my crazy experiences with crazy loonatic people. My next blog will be about what actually happened in those 2 years. So it'll be a big blog most definitely. :) So yeah. :)

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